Centered: Joe Lieberman


Premiering September 2024


Joe Lieberman. The man who nearly became the first Jewish Vice President of the United States. The politician who put principles above party. And the Founding Chairman of No Labels, whose quest for a bipartisan ticket nearly upended the 2024 presidential election.

In pursuit of his beliefs, Joe Lieberman sacrificed his popularity for what he believed was in the best interest of the American people.

Centered chronicles Lieberman's remarkable journey and more than 40 years of public service, providing invaluable insights into this iconoclastic politician. The release of the documentary in 2024 is particularly timely, presenting a unique opportunity to engage both young individuals and adults across the U.S. and around the world. The film will encourage meaningful conversations, elevate discourse, and enhance awareness of civic responsibility during a pivotal election year.

And with the untimely passing of Senator Lieberman in March of 2024, his message of moderation and bipartisanship is needed even more.